Here are a few pictures of the fridge installed.
It's smaller than the RV one but it does have enough usable space for what I need. I'm waiting on the inverter and wiring so I've yet to install that.
I put insulation on the side to keep the elements out of the camper for when i'm hunting on those warm 10 degree F days! lol
Since the fridge was shorter I took that as a opportunity to go ahead and make another shelf for storage space!
I have the dinosaur electronics control module for sale ($60) if anyone can use it. I bought it maybe a month ago.
the more I think of it the more im leaning towards getting a 20Watt solar cell and slapping it on the roof to aide in charging the battery and making it last longer when im out hunting all day and wont fire the generator up to charge the battery until I get back in the evening.
Let me know what y'all think!