MikeRP wrote:
So a buddy of mine had a 1985 Ford HD truck with a diesel. So what motor was that?
That was the first diesel I remember in a Ford truck, also my work had a Army issue Chevy HD truck, Camo w diesel. We got it because although very slow, it had a high ground clearance and true 4 WD and I think while we had it, the truck was only stuck one time.
I loved it. Max speed was like 40mph. We took it all over some crazy mountain transmission lines in KY. We just actually go rid of it a couple of years not because it wasn’t working, the new Managers just didn’t like it. I believe it was a 1986.
Yep, in '85 it was still the 6.9. With only 170 hp and 338 torque, the big block gas engines of the era would crush it in a towing showdown. With no turbo, you couldn't get huge power increases out of the motor by turning up the injection pump like you could with the older Cummins (although those weren't available in a pickup until '89). If you wanted to "roll coal", all you had to do was pull a load at elevation, leaving a trail of black smoke as you strugged up the hill at 25 mph. But they did deliver good fuel economy and decent reliability.