falconbrother wrote:
Question: For checking wheel bearings.. I have pulled hubs and greased bearings -n- such in the past, not on this RV. This trailer is a 2017 model and the bearings have been on one good trip and a few short trips. I will take them for granted for now. But, as time moves forward, do you pull the hubs off to check the wheel bearings or something less drastic. The dealership said to ignore these bearings for ten years unless we really do a lot of long rang traveling.
I've seen more than one new trailer with poorly packed bearing and grease on the brakes. First thing I did with my new trailer was do the bearings and it was a good thing I checked them as I think the factory though that the grease went in the brake pads instead of the bearings.
I keep track of the trailer mileage, nothing super accurate but I write down the trip mileage and like someone already stated its surprising how fast the short trips add up. If you remove the hubs to check the bearings you might as well just pack them.
I don't know about ignoring your bearings for ten years, I did some research on bearings and picked a mileage that I will pack the bearings at, had my trailer 3 years and already put 7000 miles on the trailer.