Forum Discussion

Heyruthie's avatar
Oct 13, 2015

Probably dumbest question ever

Hi, all. I'm new to even *thinking* about getting an RV. But due to unusual family circumstances, I am considering purchasing an RV to live in, on my own property. I live in a fairly unregulated area, with zoning laws that do allow it, based on the acreage and the circumstances that I have.

However, I know nothing about RVs (except that I enjoyed staying in one with family members, as a child) including whether there are ways to "hook up" your RV in a residential area. I know the electricity hookup is totally different. And the water situation needs to be addressed. But I have absolutely no problem hiring a plumber and an electrician to come install the correct stuff. I just don't even know if it's physically possible--particularly the plumbing. Is there a way to empty black and gray water tanks at home without an RV-style sewer hook-up? I live in an area that does get freezing temps in the winter, but not most of the time.

Please don't flame me. I know I sound uneducated--and that's because I am. But I'd love to change that! Thanks for your help in advance.
  • I think it depends a little bit on the kind of RV you want to get. But for electrical, you'll need something. When my RV is parked outside the house, a heavy duty 50' extension cord supplies the electricity.

    If you're able to hire an electrician and have them wire up something where you'll park the RV, then you'll ask for a "30 Amp (or 50 Amp) Pedestal".

    Water and sewer have been mentioned.

    The other thing to think about is heat. My RV's furnace uses propane. You'll want to figure out how to stay warm. There are ways to use standard 20# BBQ Grill propane tanks with your system. If you're going to just park the RV then you'll want to figure out how to keep the propane tanks a flowing.
  • When we built our home in central Idaho, we installed water, 30 amp electricity and a sewer hookup to the end of the garage. That way when we had guests, they could park their trailers there and hook up. We also used the sewer hookup to dump after trips when we had been boondocking and didn't have access to a dump station.

    Of necessity we didn't use the water or sewer in the winter, but there was rarely a time when someone felt like staying in a trailer at those low temps anyway. It worked well for us.
  • Need a 30A Power Pedestal at minimum so you can plug into for electrical

    Need a 'clean out' line installed that connects to septic tank on site or sewer connection if property has sewer.

    Need water is underground piping below frost line with an anti-siphon riser for connecting to

    Should have an RV Pad to park to the above utilities (can be gravel, concrete, asphalt, hard compacted dirt)
  • Its not uncommon for RVs to be used as homes for oil field workers round these parts.

    The folks who come and flush the tanks are called 'Honey Dippers' as a polite term for a septic cleaning company.
  • I know a gal who got a 30 ft or so fiver and lives in it. I guess she has a sewer person come out every week or two and pump out her tanks. It get cold in Central Oregon in the winter (down to below zero at times) and guess it OK. So it is doable.