Kayteg1 wrote:
I know that with RV - steps are unavoidable.
I had TT with single step only (one was Airstream) and they seem to be the best stair-wise, but then TT do bring other handling issues.
I bought Lance TC with side entrance hoping for good stairs and that was disappointment.
My dogs would rather go 6 scissor steps on rear entrance, than scale 2 side steps on Lance.
Generally I think you guys need to exercise more as even knee surgery can be exercised.
I am 63 and just this week climbed a peak 1200' above my house- lead by neighbor only 1 year younger, but still in bandages on his broken hand .
My father is 93 and he walks to upper bedroom just fine.
You guys loose too much of your life sitting.
Steps aren't the problem - we live in a multi-story house and do just fine. It's a ladder getting into and outta bed (at night) and climbing over each other that's doing it (as well as the DW complaining about a lack of space).
I don't know who your talking about living a sedentary life - we've done anything but sit around and not exercise. Both of us have a well lived life's worth of injuries that are catching up with us with age. And I'm one of the small percentage of adults that has persistent knee pain from severe bone spurs as a result of Osgood–Schlatter disease. Coupled with multiple shoulder injuries, complete tear of the rotator cuff tendon separated shoulders (X3 times), arthritis now setting in, etc, etc, etc. DW has shoulder issues (from previous sports injuries), achilles problem (from field hockey), etc, etc. that are all coming to roost with age. So bully for you that all of your parts aren't worn out yet --- I'd say YOU have led a more sedentary life than I if all of your parts are still functioning perfectly. 1200 foot "peak" ? we call that a bump from where I'm from.
Well - glad I could vent again. I just love people who don't know you from Adam who can tell you all you need to know about you and your lifestyle.