I understand that some of us might have reall injuries, but seeing some venting - only confirms that some of us have "pants on fire".
I had my injuries and for 20 years I deal with joint pains, but walking around the problems is not my way of solving them.
I spend last 25 years in construction and some say it is "physical job"
BS - even I was lifting 200 lb slabs occasionally and was carrying lumber, drywalls etc. the job never gave me real exercise.
My dogs did as they motivated me to 2 hr hiking on the hills back in California.
Now I moved to dry climate that helps me and spend my semi-retirement for better care about my body.
Just like this guy, who started body-building at age of 87 - avoiding the difficulties is not solving them.
If you can't get into TC bed, how do you get out of bathtub?