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996Pilot's avatar
Dec 13, 2017

Probably Going To The Dark Side

Over the years the only RV's I've ever owned have been Truck Campers. Heck the first hint of non-tent camping was in my '75 Chevy pickup that had a shell on the back. I love the convenience, size and the fact that the truck/camper can go anywhere I want it to. But the reality of aging keeps smacking me (us) up side the head every time we camp now. It gets harder and harder to make the climb up and down the bed ladder (especially as many times as I have to pee at night now) and with the east/west bed arrangement, climbing over each other in the middle of the night is not near as fun as we once used to make it ;) We've had the conversation for the last two years and we always have it when we camp with friends who have fifth wheels. I think we're finally going to pull the trigger and start the ball rolling much to my saddened heart. I love a truck camper - but were looking to go to a fifth wheel. Since I still like to camp and bring the motorcycle(s) it most likely has to be a toy hauler of some sort. And so the search begins!

Of course the Outfitter Apex 8 is functioning just perfectly right now with the new all electric Danfoss compressor refrigerator, the upgraded solar to 260W, the new electric dump valves, new converter, etc. It's always that way. Just when you get something up and going perfectly, BAM - let's make a change!

I'm rambling here but I needed a place to look for even a bit of sympathy - I do this kicking and screaming. Well - here goes nothing!
  • Well, you do know that 5er's have 2 sets of steps don't you? The steps from the ground to the main floor of the camper, and then the steps from the main floor to the upper floor. Depending upon size and height of the camper, you could be having to climb as many as 10 steps. If you are getting older (which we all are), you might REALLY want to rethink this a moment or two. Not knowing your age, will you be able to still comfortably climb steps in 10 years (assuming you keep the camper that long and still using it).

    This is one of the main reason why we stayed with a "single level" camper all these year. And now that I've just had 4 really bad years with bad knees, and then finally knee replacement this last Summer, the choice for less steps was a very RIGHT one (for us) anyway.

    Hey, it's just something to "think" about seriously before making the switch! Older age and steps don't mix very well.

    Now that the knee doesn't have the pain any more, just stiffness, those steps are much more friendly now.
  • You can go big with a hard side TC that has the floor starting above the bed rails of the truck. This makes getting in and out of bed easy plus has a north/south bed. It will mean upgrading the truck to a DRW to handle that size and weight, but you do have options if you want to stay with a truck camper.

    We went from a toy hauler to a truck camper because I wanted more garage space and did not want a bigger foot print. By putting the all the living quarters on the truck, I only tow the garage and am close to what my old length used to be yet have have a 20' dedicated garage. Quality toy haulers are heavy - I would stay with a tag hitch on your SRW because a fifth wheel pin weight will be 20-25 percent of the GTWR and may be pushing your limits. Since you have a short bed, you will also need to watch how much nose extends beyond the pin and possibly have to by a more expensive slider hitch. My 22' tag toy hauler was 7500 lbs dry and pushing 1200 lbs of tongue weight when I had it loaded to 11,500 lbs. Many guys see north of 1500 lbs tongue weight on tag TH's, so make sure your receiver is up to the task.
  • I understand what your saying. My wife and I are a bit old for that also. At 57 years old I'm also glad I'm not going to be towing and don't need a larger TT than I have. How large of a fifth wheel are you looking at?
  • I feel the pain though hope it's a bunch of years away from us.

    One thing you may want to consider is adding a TT to your setup. A 26' footer will seem so spacious compared to the TC. This will give you a base camp for most nights yet give you the ability to still spend the night back in the remote areas when you want. Plus, it will let you keep the bathroom with you during your day sight seeing trips (the biggest thing my wife likes about the TC).

    After a season of this style camping, you can then see how much you are still actually using the TC and decide if it can then be unloaded.

    The advantage of the TT over the FW is they are lower to the ground with less steps and are all at one level so no climbing a couple of steps to the bathroom/bedroom. The disadvantage is they are a bit more to hookup since you usually have to use a WDH, and they generally have less storage.
  • You will still be climbing up and down steps with a fifth wheeler. Consider TTs and THTTs too.