Forum Discussion

TWolf's avatar
Jul 03, 2013

Problem #2 with my Rockwood

My 2013 Rockwood has the electric stabilizer jacks. Love the idea of them. The issue is that when down, the trailer still moves side to side and front to back when walking. I can level the TT out and when I run the slide out, that side will drop 3 to 4 inches. I called Forest River today and all they would say is to call the Dealer. At least it is documented before the warranty runs out. Glad we bought the extra 6 year warranty with the trailer. Looks like we will be using it a lot.
  • Doug33 wrote:
    lbrjet wrote:
    Every trailer is going to have some movement, especially large ones. This is normal. You can place jack stands on either side of your tires under the trailer tightened up to the frame. This tends to help quite a bit.

    I have small bottle jacks, which would be useless because my TT sits so high off the ground.

    You can purchase some stands at camping world or many other places.
  • Doug33 wrote:
    When we were choosing between models recently, one of the models had the power stabilizers and I really liked the idea. But both the salesman and tech said that they are not as solid as a traditional crank down stabilizer jack.

    Depends on what design he was talking about. There are several.
    The best ones are of course pretty expensive.. But worth every penny.
    I ended up with them on this TT, and it is now something that I won't be without.
    OTOH...Don't believe everything a salesman says...Most have never actually used the product that they are selling. All they care about is how much they can make.

    The ones that people think are good ones are no different. They are just very good at making it seem like they are your best friend.
  • lbrjet wrote:
    Every trailer is going to have some movement, especially large ones. This is normal. You can place jack stands on either side of your tires under the trailer tightened up to the frame. This tends to help quite a bit.

    I have small bottle jacks, which would be useless because my TT sits so high off the ground.
  • Every trailer is going to have some movement, especially large ones. This is normal. You can place jack stands on either side of your tires under the trailer tightened up to the frame. This tends to help quite a bit.
  • We have the equivalent of electric stabilizers -- I keep a cordless Makita in the TT with the correct size socket on it, and once the TT is level, run down all 4 stabilizers in just a couple of minutes. Easy peasy.

    I also carry the Makita cordless electric blower that uses the same battery as my drill driver. As soon as we get to the site, I blow off the asphalt pad with my blower. Then when we pack up, I blow any dust and debris off the top of the slide prior to retracting it.
  • When we were choosing between models recently, one of the models had the power stabilizers and I really liked the idea. But both the salesman and tech said that they are not as solid as a traditional crank down stabilizer jack.
  • TWolf wrote:
    Knowing how it leans, I will adjust accordingly. Just worried that the jacks themselves will give out.

    Your stabilizer jacks are NOT intended to level the trailer, just stabilize it. If you try to put too much weight on them, you'll have problems.

    Front to back leveling should be done with your tongue jack, side to side leveling with boards or leveler blocks.
  • I have the X jacks that go between the tires and ratchet out against the tires. Just spoke with the Dealer and they are aware of the issue, however, they have the same problem with Forest River. No help.

    Knowing how it leans, I will adjust accordingly. Just worried that the jacks themselves will give out.
  • i think you may want the slide out to pitch down a little for rain... not 100% on that but seems logical
  • Get some between the wheel chocks like X Chocks or go for the best with Roto chocks. That should solve your movement problems. If you know the weight of the slide out is going to drop you 3 inches then make that side 3 inches higher before you put the slide out out. Ours is only about 1.5 inches so we level accordingly.