FR has been touting their 'shine bay' where supposedly every unit gets a through pre-ship inspection and build issues are corrected before the unit leaves the factory.
Sounds like phooey to me.
The 'shine bay' is probably the employees lunchroom.
QC isn't about end build inspection anyway. It's about doing the build correctly as it's being built and paying attention to proper build procedures, not a 'band aid' fix at the end of the production line.
Like I said in a previous post, builders CAN assemble a unit correctly if they want to and take their time to do it correctly, but when pushed by production quota's, personnel get sloppy and it shows in the end result with issues for the buyer.
If RV builders really cared about their products, you'd think (obviiously not correct) that all builders would have a multi-year warranty against all defects, not a year, which is basically no warranty at all.