Your furnace should work fine even at below zero temps. Lower temps do lower vapor pressure but, it has to be real cold for propane appliances to not work. Propane will not vaporize at minus 40 F. It's my understanding that at 40 below, you can carry propane around in a bucket. Low temperature is not your problem unless it is freezing your regulator. I had moisture in a regulator on a class C. It was confusing because when the temp got below freezing, the stove would work but the furnace would not. There was enough flow for the stove but not the furnace. The furnace would work fine in the dealer's shop but, not in the mountains when it got below freezing. Finally took it to an independent RV repair place. They diagnosed it immediately. Had to empty the tank of propane then, they added alcohol and blew it out with air. They replaced the regulator and everything worked fine after that.