Forum Discussion

Dave_Pete's avatar
Explorer II
Apr 13, 2014

Propane Tank - Metal Exterior Compartment

Pre-planning. I can't find what I'm looking for online or in the RV Parts catalogues typically offered free from RV Parts departments. Maybe you all know where I can find this part?

It is an exterior access propane tank storage compartment typically found on truck campers. My pop-up had a single 20LB tank and the compartment fit it perfect. Door swung open to the side, not up or down like a storage compartment or a water heater. It was a sheet metal box, and included a tank mounting system, vented door, hole for the gas line to exit, etc.

For truck campers they typically make them for a single tank, twin tanks, or horizontal tanks. I'd like to check cutout sizes for both single or twin vertical 20lb bottle(s)

Anybody know a supplier? Thanks!
  • You're welcome. My old camper had the refrigerator located directly above the dual propane tank compartment, both hung out over the edge of the pickup bed, to minimize encroachment into the camper's interior space.
  • Artfd: If you're suggesting I could take this I appreciate your kindness. I had hoped for twin vertical 20 lbs tanks but it's looking like my project will require I use the original single horizontal after all. Not a lot of room to work with on an 8' camper. Thank you much.
  • I am in the process of dismantling my wrecked truck camper, has a dual bottle propane box on the side, with vents cut & lines still in place. Within a few days I will be ripping it out & taking it to the recycler. It carried 2 vertical 20-lb bottles.
    I lost the original door within 2 days of buying this, have been using a simple 1x4 piece of redwood as a railing to keep the bottles in place. It also made shutting the gas off at the bottle real easy.
  • If all else fails, you might try to contact one of the TC manufacturers for assistance. My Outfitter has a custom-made metal compartment that (I think) fits your description, with a simple rectangular frame door. I don't know who made it, but I amsure they can tell you if you give them a call.

    You can see the door in this picture:

    The inside is plain metal.
  • I'd go directly to the closest RV dealer or manufacturer and buy the box from them and do your own install.
  • You may want to try a pre-fab electrical box that's deep enough for the tanks. They tend to be costly, but literally bomb proof.
    My camper propane box is "homemade", the factory made their own. It has one pipe offset to allow make-up air to come in, and one "drain" pipe to allow propane flumes to go out. I'd say the thickness is about that of a heating duct. I'd check with a sheet metal fabricator/heating contractor to see if they would help in making one.
  • There's a company at that sells all kinds of doors.
  • Hmm, I understand what you are describing but can't say that I've seen one that is a standalone. I've always seen it fabbed as part of the truck camper.

    If you are building your own rig you may just need to put one together out of pieces-parts. Shouldn't be too bad as long as you get the ventilation right.