I just discovered something I didn't know. I had done searches for propane in my area before, but I must have missed this. There is a service in our area called My Propane Butler. Their website is
www.mypropanebutler.com. They will deliver a full 30 lb. tank to my house for $37.95, and they will charge a $25 fee since my tank doesn't have the OPD valve. So for $62.95, I can get a full updated (OPD) tank delivered to my door. I don't think that is a bad deal, considering I will be saving some gas driving around (in a gas guzzling Suburban) and time making phone calls. I just leave the empty tank next to the house, and they will exchange it. This sounds like a reasonable deal to me.
I know they may not fill the tank completely full, but I will have a good tank that I can get refilled by the gallon later on. I think I have found my solution.
UPDATE: I ordered this home delivery. With tax, the order was $40.51. The order said $30 fee for no OPD, not $25. So now my total will most likely be $70.51. I'm thinking that is still reasonable.
The standard delivery date is 11/18. That is one week from today. I'm in no hurry, so that works for me. For $9.95, you can get same day service, and for $4.95 you can get next day service.
If you like this idea, maybe there's a service like this in your area.