jaycocreek wrote:
Question: How is propane weighed or measured?
Answer: Propane can be measured in a few manners. The most common way is by gallons. It can also be measured by pounds (one gallon = 4.2lbs). When measured in gallons, a meter at the pump is used to determine the amount of propane that has been filled into a tank. When measured in pounds, the tare (empty starting) weight of the tank must be known first. After this weight is taken into account, the tank is then filled to capacity with the correct volume. (i.e. A BBQ tank is commonly referred to as a 20lb tank. This is because these tanks hold 20lbs or approximately five gallons of propane).
Humm..Just never seen it sold by the pound but evidently it is in some places..
Note this guy from propane sales and service calling a BBQ tank a tank instead of a cylinder..How dare them.:B
That is because he is in sales/service and doesn't know better.
cylinders are portable and under DOT jurisdiction
tanks are permanent mount vessels and under ACME
(and no.......being lifted/transported/set at your house does not make them 'portable' nor are they 'portable' because the are in a moving vehicle)