Forum Discussion

tshirtman's avatar
Oct 14, 2013


Do all of you that leave the propane on the trailer fill b-4 winter?
or is it ok to leave and fill b-4 first trip of the spring?
  • Interesting. Didn't know at what temp propane freezes. It will no longer vaporize at -40F.
  • Since propane freezes at -310 degrees F, I ain't real worried about having any problems from frozen propane. It ain't like water.
  • We don't do anything special to propane tanks or supply lines for closing or opening of camping season, we just promptly refill empty tank so we don't get caught short. We experience several months of below freezing temps with occasional bouts of sub-zero overnights and have done nothing more than close the propane tank valves which I always do when we get home from a trip.
  • Tank full is O.K., but we shut it off and purge lines for winter. Climate's fairly mild here but we do get freezing weather and propane will/can freeze and crack lines and regulators, especially if it's not moving through them- just like water.

    See this link
  • I also fill it when it's empty, winter or summer it doesn't matter.
  • As soon as it is empty I immediately get it filled before I forget it is empty and I need it...
  • I"ve always left mine where it finds itself. Doesn't make any difference whether it's full or empty.
  • YEs it is OK! I jsut fill mine so I don't have ety tanks on the next trip but I have a 4 seasons Arctic Fox and have camped at 14 degrees.