Forum Discussion

livelylittlecam's avatar
Dec 11, 2014

Pros and Cons of Travel Trailers...

We are doing a segment about the pros and cons of travel trailers on our next RV Family Travel Atlas podcast. I was hoping to tap into some forum knowledge here. What are your favorite and least favorite things about travel trailers--as opposed to other RVs. Any thoughts would be appreciated and helpful to developing the episode.

  • Like others, I like the bed being clear to haul stuff and I have a nice canopy to keep it safe and dry.
    We also like the smaller size of out TT which makes it capable of getting into smaller spaces the fivers can't use.
    Our TT is small enough to be able to heat with a single space heater or cool with a single AC. The trailer still fits our needs perfectly after more than ten years of using it.
  • If you take the price of an equivalent tow vehicle/tt combo and a motorhome...the motorhome is still a bit more expensive...and pull a toad and you have more expense.

    Biggest deal for me is space for the money and dual purpose of tow vehicle.
  • Here's my take on your question.

    • I park it at a campsite and can use the tow vehicle to explore the area.
    • The purchase price is lower than an RV.
    • The tow vehicle can also be my daily commuter vehicle.
    • The tow vehicle can be serviced or repaired almost anywhere.
    • Repair costs and shop fees are typically lower for tow vehicle than for motorhome.
    • Trailer does not lose living space to the drivers compartment.

    • I need a separate vehicle to tow the trailer.
    • The trailer has no generator.
    • If I'm parked somewhere and feel unsafe I need to exit the trailer and get in the tow vehicle to drive away. A motorhome I can just start up and move without ever going outside.
    • A trailer typically has smaller fresh water and waste holding tanks.
  • Compared to what? A tent, fifth wheel, motorhome, cabover truck camper........????

    Basically travel trailers can be pulled by almost anything, unlike fifth wheels. That leaves the tow vehicle choice to be a van, SUV, or truck. For large families that might be better as seats in trucks can be limited to six.

    The TT allows the full bed of the truck or most of an SUV or van used for storage. Unlike a fifth wheel that uses some of the pickup bed and a truck camper that uses all of it.

    TT's tend to have floors at one level, are usually lower to the ground compared to fifth wheels and most A motorhomes and often are lighter than some other types of motorhomes or fifth wheels.

    Most TT's but certainly not all are in some ways less expensive. There are exceptions like Airstream that make TT's with an MSRP of over $140,000. But, no engine and no transmission to buy and maintain.

    TT's and other types of RV's are often well suited for large families with bunks, outside kitchens, and often larger fresh, black and gray tank capacities.

    I am sure others will chime in but it would have been better if you asked to compare to what other types of RV's you are intrested in.
  • More space in your trick bed; ability to keep it fully covered while towing.