Lilrhody wrote:
We are newbies, but made the decision to get a seasonal site 90 minutes from home, Thanks to work schedules, getting away to a new campsite every weekend just is not feasible - but driving 90 minutes to a place where it is already set up for use is. We have longer trips set up every month of the summer and will be in a campground where we can pull out for those trips without any problem. We are looking forward to making friends at our campground and to our trips. Plus, we can park the TT on our seasonal site year round, solving our storage problem.
Another good point storage cost me $660 and a cheep seasonal site was $2000 and I could leave the camper year around.
I look forward to seeing friends at the seasonal site, although some years I don't see them at all. We Aren't always there at the same time.