Forum Discussion

LaunchnRetrieve's avatar
Jan 17, 2015

Putting more into my travel trailer than it's worth!

What is my 2003 Prowler 25J worth?

If I replace the awning and get a Honda 3000 generator, I'm sure I'll have just put more money into the trailer than I can sell it for.

Not to mention another battery, a digital voltmeter, new tires and brakes (I probably shouldn't consider the cost of maintenance in this equation).

Any good sources for what my trailer is really worth in my area?
  • :W

    Rv is much like a Boat. A boat is a large/small hole on the water one pours $$$$ into at the rate you can not afford. A RV is a hole setting on 2-4 wheels which also requires one to pour vast amounts of $$$ into also with ZERO returns out side of enjoyment.

  • Unless you just want a new TT. You can put a lot of improvements into your old one for a fraction of the cost of new one.

    However, you probably will not recoup any of those costs.

    If you are tired of your old TT and simply want a new one; it is not likely you will get much for an old TT that needs a lot of repairs.
  • Thanks Guys, as always great feedback. Keeping the trailer until retirement. Good thought on the genny being separate from the trailer value. The awning, gotta have it. Maintenance costs, they apply whether the trailer is worth 20K or 2K, so will ignore that.
    I feel better already!
  • Sometimes if you mention things on the forum and ask for a value, someone will make an offer. With or without the generator.
  • It is only worth what someone is WILLING to pay for..

    With that said, it is 12 yrs old so I am guessing a few thousand perhaps..

    You Honda has nothing to do with the trailer unless you are attempting to build it into the trailer.. You can easily resell the Honda separate from the trailer and get pretty much most of the money back (lots of Honda gen fanatics which don't mind paying top dollar)..

    New awning? Well that depends on whether you are trying to fix up to sell or keep??

    If you are fixing to sell, forget about it.. You will not ever recoup the cost of a new awning if you are selling the trailer..

    Keeping it for a lot more camping? Well then you simply need to decide if the convenience of a attached awing is worth it to you.. If not leave the awning alone and buy a $60 Eazy Up fold up canopy..

    Maintenance costs? Never will recoop those along with any interest you may have paid on it when it was new off the lot..

    It is a depreciating asset for money, not a investment property to gain money.

    Think of it as an investment in your family time, pretty hard to beat those family moments..

    I have been going through digitizing my Dad's old Super8 films he took of our family back in the late 60's to early 70's.. Lots of family vacations, lots of memories, lots of places we visited when I was a kid.. Just can't put a price on that!
  • all depends if you plan on keeping it or using for a longer period of time. Used trailers are worth more if sold privately versus trade in.
    Brakes and tires are a normal wear and tear items including battery. The genny can be moved to another unit if you sell the Prowler.

    The value can be determined by calling a dealer most will give you the value from the NADA books they use. You may be able to check NADA on line for value.
  • Go to this link and fill in the work sheet for a value estimate for a 25J. Hope this helps...
