notamos wrote:
Thanks for the opinions so far. My concerns about a slide:
-weaker frame (we will be taking this on some rough roads and I worry about it flexing, like logging roads...)
-some places we take it will not have the width to open it
-not being able to close it if it were to break while we are in the middle of no-where in CO.
Not sure if these concerns are valid or not. This TT will be our first.
As for our Exp, it is a 2012 w/ the 5.4 and the HD towing package.
Also, any opinions on brands and quality? I want something that will last. I prefer longevity over lighter and easier to pull.
Don't confuse lite weight with flimsy. Many new TT are lighter, and stonger. Many new TT are built using Azdel, instead of lamanated wood. It is stronger, lighter, and will never rot. My new TT is 4 feet longer, and 100lb LIGHTER than my old one. It has a caged aluminum framed Roof, and floor. Has a slide, which you can leave in if there is not room to put it out. It does not cut off the TT. You can use it like a TT without a slide. A great option. And IF it refuses to run in, You disconnet it from the gears, and push it in.
I had ALL the concernes you do about slides. That is why we bought a TT that we don't have to slide out if we don't want to. Many places we camp are also tight, and have no room for slides, because of trees, and such. But it does make lots of room.
Go here ..... ..... or simply google trailerlife click revews, and you will see my TT, and what they have to say about it. It is the 288BHS Apex. Sleeps 10 more if the kids are small. One of the great things about it, is the bathroom. It has it's own door to the outside, so that you, or the kids don't have to walk thru the entire TT to wsh your hands, or whatever. Last year at the beach, we hosed the kids off, and set them in the bathroom. It's great.