Of course anything you purchase should be right no matter what it is or who was the manufacturer.
That's not the issue with bwanted. Seems he constantly compliains about everything he purchases. Many of his post complaints over his history on this forum are unrealistic as compared to the hundreds of other like product purchased poster's comments. Is it possible he's the only one that has the issues he claims? Read his many posts and hopefully you can remember his other previous dissing post also.
If you knew how a Lance 1172 and all Lance TC's are constructed, you'd know that all holes and structures are CAD/CAM cut and holes predrilled and uses the predrilled holes to locate at assembly. Also jig welded frames with accuracy that must snap together with the Lance-Loc system etc and uses the predrilled holes to locate members or it couldn't even have been assembled. His words were that he could fit his hand between the pulled out wall. Do you realize how thick a hand is? Lance did not make the refrigerator nor the generator! A "bad" leak would have shown up in the pressure spray test. Maybe he didn't have it closed fully or had gotten some dirt between the seals and that's why it leaked if it actually did? Who knows, other than him, as to why he always has constant issues with many things he purchases?
Why aren't the other people having these problems with their purchases? We ourselves have purchase 3 new lances all with opening front lower windows and never had a drop of water leak even when pressure washing the TC's when off the truck. Never heard a complaint from our many TC friends about their Lance pass-thru windows leaking either. Begs a realistic answer!