GDEtrailer spot on with your assessment. I'm working on a project trailer I purchased last winter myself. It has been a learning experience for sure. The trailer had a tree branch go through the roof in three places and damaged 4 panels of aluminum siding. I replaced the siding two on the bottom of the slideout and two on the top back of trailer. I then rebuilt the 5 broke rafters and decided to build new rafters and sister them to all the rafters doubling the strength. I then redecked 80 percent of the roof. Last week installed (with help) a new rubber roofing. I still have the inside to put in new ceiling panels in the main living area, reinstall the cabnets, build a new countertop with a smaller single sink, put new carpet in, put new furniture in. I had never done any of this before this trailer project. I simply purchased a new RV and traded every few years. You have a whole different attitude when you see how much work a project like this entails. It also gives you a sense of satisfaction as it comes together.