Forum Discussion

Seawind36's avatar
Sep 15, 2014

question about rv toilet

We have a Thetford toilet but I'm not sure which one. The seat comes off real easy, but we wondered if there is a way to get the top of the toilet off or do you have to pull the whole toilet to get to the back of it? We have a leak at the top back of the toilet and need to find out exactly where and fix it. There is a piece of the top of toilet that blocks the view and the water inlet is under that piece.

Any suggestions? We are in a bit of a time crunch as we are supposed to be leaving either Wed or Thursday.
  • It sounds like you have an all plastic Thetford Bravura with a front flush pedal. If you do, You have to pull the toilet to work on the back. There are typically two nuts that hold the toilet to the floor. You will need to pull the plastic cover away from the front of the toilet to access the nuts. You may want to have the water valve and floor seal in hand before you begin the work. The valve is PN 31113. The floor seal is a PN 31115. All this assumes you have a Thetford Bravura. Do an internet search to see if the picture resembles your toilet.
  • Usually just pull the whole thing out. Not to bad of a job.