Forum Discussion

4x4FF's avatar
Jun 07, 2016

Question about WD Hitch

Guys, I have a question about weight distributing hitches. FWIW, my question concerns a 26' cargo trailer weighing about 9k loaded but I figure you guys are the experts in this area. I have an F250 but have airbags installed on it because I also haul a 5th wheel. When I hook the cargo trailer up to my ball hitch it droops the back end of the truck a little bit but nothing really bad because of the air bags. Is it really necessary to use the load bars or not(I'm not talking the anti sway bar...I mean the weight distributing bars)?

I figure it probably is best to use them but just wasn't sure. What do you all think?

  • let's firs think about this. You hook up your trailer your front wheels are in the air, 4x4FF and I hook some pipes to the rear bumper and we lift as hard as we can to level the truck back out. Westend wants to drive away, 4x4FF and I would rather drink beer than ru n with these pipes in our hands so we chain them to the A frame of the trailer

    That's your WD bars I action.

    So...if all your doing is lifting the back end to level out the trailer, corecting the geometry and redistributing the load on the tow vehicle...

    What will the bars do the the air bags won't ?

    Exactly nothing.
  • Use the bars would be my suggestion. You want to get the weight back onto the steer axle.
  • I have air bags also but I had the same question recently and it was explained to me like this:

    Air bags will raise your rear end to level the pickup but the weight remains concentrated on the rear axle. WD Hitch will shift weight off of the rear to the front (axels).

    I hope I'm correct and right!
  • Smoke em if you got em. Thats my opinion. It really all depends on how much tongue weight you have on the trailer, and if the front of the truck comes up more than a couple inches. Also just look at the entire rig from a distance and if you see noticeable dip in the middle, use them.