You've gotten some good advice. Try visiting the 7.3 forum over at
FWIW, my '02 has 165k mile on it. Orig trans btw. I could run through repairs made but that's not what you asked,
I have a chip in it. Specially a DP Tuner. I also put gauges in it (trans temp, boost and pyro). The chip certain wakes the truck up. Holy smokes it moves (and smokes if I get on it hard). BUT I rarely use anything but the stock setting. I can feel the trans struggle to settle into gear under heavy throttle. The EGTs climb fast – a intake and exhaust would help this. I find I can't take the hills any faster stock vs. the 60hp tow tune. The EGTs get too high.
What the chip does have that I really like is a setting to CLOSE the exhaust back pressure valve for additional downhill engine braking. It makes a real difference. There are numerous options for e engine brake for the 7.3.
Do some reading at the ford-trucks forum. You'll see lots of things to consider like the type of rods you have, trans, intake, exhaust, gauges.
Personally I'd look at the exhaust brake, upgraded trans (even a BTS valve body and TQ converter - google Brians Truck Shop or John Woods Transmission). I'd add gauges, 4" turbo back exhaust to help keep it cool. If you have 3.73 gears I'd go to 4.10. The engine will turn a little faster but you'll get more grunt in return. I'd also take a good look at the oil pan as they are known to rust out and require replacement. You don't want to do this one the road as the engine has to be pulled out. Consider upgrading the shocks to a Bilstein or better. Much much improved ride for us.
For me, more power out of the engine will somehow mean a shorter life. My truck has plenty of power. I can pull a 5% grade at 62-64mph at 3/4 throttle. Or 72 running flat out. That's pulling about 17,500 GROSS. Trailer is about 9000#. It will pull a nearly a 20% grade in 1st gear at about 20mph. That's a h#ll of a hill. I'm satisfied.
Now, a new truck could do it faster. Maybe quieter. But this one is paid for. Has no emissions equipment to deal with. Since I want it to last and last I keep it stock as I feel that is the best chance I have to keep it going.
Some maintenance things I'd look at before hitting the road... glow plugs, UVC harnesses (under valve cover wiring for glow plugs and injectors), condition of turbo.
Hope my rambling helps somehow.