Forum Discussion

Crawfordville's avatar
Oct 21, 2013

Question on portable waste containers

We are considering purchasing one of the portable waste containers. I've searched for previous posts and have found a good deal of information. But what concerns me is the likelihood that the container will spill,break, or flip while towing it to the dump station. I understand the speed limit factor.

Has that happened to anyone? Is it common? I'm terrified of driving it and it leaking and causing an uproar within the campground.
  • Our blue tote is about a 15 gallon. It's served us well for 8 seasons and we bought it from my dear cousin who had used it for a few before that. Personal opinion is that emptying more often with less weight to maneuver around would be easiest. DH just considers it part of his Saturday morning job after breakfast. He has been known to make 2 trips, but it's rare. We're fine for a 4 day weekend.
  • In general terms,I can hitch up and take my trailer to the dump, do what is needed, return to my site and be shipping a cold one before most can complete the multiple trips needed to do the job. Just my own observation
  • We changed out the small plastic wheels for larger wheels with tubes from Tractor Supply and the clearance is improved and it does not make any noise when towing to the dump station.
  • I have a Thetford two wheel tank that is 29 gal. My gray tank is 30 gal. When full my Thetford is over 240 pounds. A larger tank may be to difficult to dump. So, you could go with a smaller tank and dump it more often. I would not worry about matching the size of my tank to the size of my holding tank. I leave my gray tank dump valve open and let the water run into my tank. Then dump when it is almost full.
  • I have another question. Do you purchase it to match the size of your holding tank? Or do you go smaller for ease of use?
  • If you are careful, leaking and breaking is not common, when considering the thousands in use everyday. We have used the same Barker for 7 years now, without a problem. (knock on wood.)
  • I had a Barker tank several years ago that started to leak after only a few uses. I called Barker and they offered to replace it for free or I could pay a difference and get a larger tank. Then a camping friend one time ran over a stone in the road while towing his tank to the dump station and cracked the tank on the bottom. There is not a lot of clearance on the bottom. I'm very careful towing the tank on campground roads and always go slow. I have the Barker 4 wheel model and often tow it by hand to the dump.