wrvond wrote:
I think your awning is similar to mine. The switch simply says "in" and "out". The awning itself doesn't auto retract, nor does it have auto dump. Once it's deployed, I simply push down on one arm and tighten the knob to create a slope for rain run off.
These awnings don't come with braces that can be used to brace against tie down straps. However, it is a common mod to create legs that can be attached to the arms to brace against the pull of tie down straps. This mod works very well, too.
Some people leave their poles attached to the awning arms, I attach mine using pins so I can remove them and stow them for travel.

So your awning does not have pistons that allow it to dip and drain off water when it rains. Like I said, both of mine did, the only difference is the current one can be locked in the tipped position if I so choose.