You're welcome there, WM.
Here's the experience I had sealing my vintage rig: I replaced a lot of framing and wanted no leaks after I was done. When working on the wall-> roof joint, the siding I moved was reattached with a bead of good quality sealant under the siding against the frame. Another bead of sealant was placed over the joint, both on the siding and on the roof. The aluminum trim molding was then bedded in these beads and screwed down. I then went back and sealed the trim to the roof. The first time it rained I experienced a few leaks so went back up and covered screw heads and areas I thought might be a problem. Again, with rain, a few small leaks. By this time, I had placed the vinyl screw covers into the aluminum trim and was getting frustrated. I had read about Eternabond on this Forum but had never used it and was gun shy about using an unknown product but thought, "it can't hurt to try it". I installed the 2" Eternabond on the roof-> trim edge and didn't see any more leaks. Since then, I've done two pressurized leak tests and the only areas where I haven't seen even a pinhole is the area that has the tape. I now have Eternabond on every joint on the roof, walls-> roof, vent stacks, operating vents, etc..I have no more leaks and the Eternabond is stuck like no tomorrow. It's a great product and I'm thankful I found it from the members on this Forum.