Forum Discussion

bikerdib's avatar
Jun 20, 2014

Questions; about boat towing & about how to emergency tow

I'm going to be towing my PWC's for the first time behind the truck camper this summer. How do you guys that tow boats get them down the ramp? Do you offload the camper first. I have a front hitch and thought about just using that to drive the trailer down the ramp. I'm just concerned that if the ramp is too steep I may end up with a "house boat".

Also, for you long time truck camper people, have you ever broke down on the road and needed your truck/camper towed down the highway. How is that done? I surely wouldn't want them trying to load my truck/camper on one of the tilt bed wreckers.
  • Been towed also, tow truck with stinger. Just ensure when trying to a get tow truck out, your clear about the weight they will be picking so they send big enough truck.

    As to launching we generally are off loaded, mostly so were not packing up camper. If not, easier (for me) to unload camper to launch. Plus camper can be used while truck sets all day.
    I would disagree with the "right way" and defining another way as "laziness". Depending on the ramp and water depth (regardless of the Im in a hurry crowd) If camper on I drive in with front hitch (the unhitching/hitching turning around etc would be done above). Local ramp is shallow angle, I need to enter pretty far to get boat off, which would submerse rear of camper.
    Launching from front with camper on, way easier than backing, still dont like it & would rather off load. Feels like putting all a days winnings on red 14-But folks do it every day.
  • Reality Check,

    It would be nice if everybody was good as you backing up trailers but there are some people that just can not do it and you need to be a little tolerant of people that might not be as good as you. :B I'm sure there are some things other people can do better than you. Same thing.

    I can back up trailers with the best of them but when you have a big camper on the back of a long truck with a long hitch extension behind and a 4' wide and about 10' long trailer is hard to back up. By the time you see it going sideways it is already jack knifed.

    I would rather see some move out of the way and put their boat on the front and then launch and then get back out of the way then someone that keeps trying and trying and keeps the ramp tied up for a half an hour because they just can't do it. I have even went over once and volunteered to help and the guy got right out of his truck and asked to please launch it as it was a difficult ramp. I backed it in and he thanked me for it.

    I use my front hitch for a front rack and also to put my enclosed trailer into a spot that goes in crooked and then straightens out and ends up with about 6" on both sides. If you tried this backing in you would end up running over my sprinkler heads and this would not make me very happy. :M

    This IMO
  • Narrow trailers just require a bit more finesse.. It's really not hard, just slow the thought process down, slow the reactions down, and wiggle a bit.

    The wiggle is just a means of seeing the trailer as you back down, and especially as it enters the water (so that you're fairly square with the ramp, which really isn't that critical with PWC's).

    Truth be told, if I saw someone putting a boat in with a forward hitch, I'd be the one saying something. Like go practice and learn to do it the right way then come back. I can't even imagine the mess the delay would cause at some of the ramps we go to; hooking, un-hooking, driving the wrong way. What a circus that would be. Yep, I'd be the one saying something. I'm a patient man, but I have very little available for others laziness to learn correctly. Everyone's got there reasons, but lack of practice is not a good excuse.
  • If you are worried about backing the trailer down the ramp do what a lot of us on here do. Install a front receiver. I installed a Draw Tite front receiver on my 2013 Ram. I tucks in nicely between the front tow hooks. A little bit of a pain to install for a person with big hands. I even had my wife, who has very small hands, help me. In fact I ended up removing the grill to get into a couple of bolts.

    Also you have a 4X4 so I wouldn't worry to much about being pulled into the water.

    Maybe BradW well post on here, he has a picture of his rig when it broke down on the hook of a wrecker.
  • I don't think I would be too concerned launching a PWC with a TC on. and the weight of the TC should help traction coming out.