Forum Discussion

ldsmith48's avatar
Dec 30, 2017

Questions about digital thermostat

I have a 2008 NS pop up truck camper with the a non digital thermostat for heating. I think I want to upgrade to digital, how ever I have concerns if the digital has any adjustment for some temperature swing. With the vinyl sides it does not hold temperature real well. my old style will allow the temperature to fluctuate 4 or 5 degrees or more between cycles. I am wondering if a digital will want to maintain the temperature at a constant setting, and make the furnace cycle like every minute or so? Any Pop ups with experience on this.
  • Not many/any convert from digital to analog thermostats - nuff said?
  • Digital will give you better temperature hold with more cycling, but Murphy law says you will need to replace batteries in the middle of the night and if it fails, it is going to be Friday night.
    You can improve old thermostat response by directing more air flow toward it.
  • I have both - digital in my 2004 Bigfoot Class C and analog, slider thermostat in my new NL cabover camper. I MUCH prefer the digital and am going to upgrade the analog in the NL to digital. I've never found that the digital cycles too much, but do find that the analog does a lousy of job of keeping a consistent temperature. I consider the thermostat the weakest component of the otherwise exceptional Northern Lite design.

    I have insulated coaches, so that helps consistency. If you're in a non-insulated coach, temperature is going to be harder to maintain for either type of thermostat.

  • You have only two choices: :@

    A greater fluctuation in temperature and less furnace cycling. Or less fluctuation in temperature and but more frequent cycling which a digital thermostat will give you. Doesn't matter the type of camper or RV.
  • wnjj's avatar
    Explorer II
    Most people in this old thread say yes, more cycling.

    See if you can find one with an adjustable hysteresis.