I have two EU2000i generators, with one being the Companion model.
My needs are different than most here. I don't camp out in the wilderness. For the most part, I don't camp at all. What I do, with my friends, is tailgate weekends at college football games. At home games, we're all in a large field next to the small executive airport. No hookups of any kind. September games bring really hot weather and the need for AC which means the use of both gennys. Late in the year, it can be very, very cold. We only need one genny then.
All of us who have 5'ers and TT's, have twin Hondas and we're fine. The other guys who have MH's, have their on board generators.
I like the twin Honda's because I can deploy them. I wouldm't be able to get a 3000k Honda or Yamaha out of the truck. And the twin Hondas are easy to hook up extended run gas tanks. To date, I haven't seen the possibility of hooking up extended run gas tanks on the Champion generators.