Wow... BurbMan you DO get it!!! My Dad was a real bear on mechanical stuff... heck everything had to be right. No excuses. He didn't care if it was a plane or land vehicle or a radio. If it squeaked...hunt that sucker down!
If he could see my truck right now... needs a vac and wash... he'd shake his head and say "I thought I raised you better".
He had a check list for everything. Including us kids.. brush your teeth..check. Wash your hands...check. Face..check.
He took us up in a single engine plane once and I got to be the co pilot and hold onto the controls... waaaaaaayyyy cool. I was usually the navigator on road trips too. Good memories.
PS My Dad was also a flight instructor at Embry Riddle in Florida. He was also a stunt pilot and a wing walker.
You're right about wiggle room. Thanks for the reminder... I can "stand down". LOL!