BurbMan wrote:
Well I called that one wrong...would think that a leaking rack would have shown some evidence in either garage floor spots or low fluid. Glad you are getting it fixed. Cleared for takeoff!
Well Burb, this particular truck has been haunted since day one. Seriously. I got it new with 21 miles. Within a month a lot of little things acted up and had to be replaced... the truck just had an attitude about things.
Some of it was Canadian...some of it Mexican. I think it had some form of identity crisis. Lots of big things got replaced while under warranty. Once GM sent a rep to a MO dealership to personally look at the rear end. Replaced it.
At times it has driven DH and I crazy. We've thought about selling it many times. For Sale... great truck with quirky attitude.
But overall... I've enjoyed driving it. However... it's time to get a new one I think. We still plan to keep this one for short haul/daily driver stuff.
Thanks again for your advice...and I'll keep "flying low":B