Ditto jimnlin & grit
Add that all of the published info, manuals, read me first, labels, fine print, footnotes, legends, etc, etc, have been reviewed by corporate lawyers. From every word, phrase, bolted, underlined, punctuation, etc, etc until the lawyers feel the OEM is CYA’d. Even the ‘recommend’ is part of the legalese positioning...if you don’t follow their recommendations, then they can say they won’t cover, as you didn’t follow their recommendations
Our court system has ruled that they know folks don’t read this stuff, or if they do, don’t understand, etc, etc...so they have ruled that the OEMs have mitigated their liability...some what...
There are so many things that are then mandated because of the “idiot and gorilla” syndrome, so the OEMs has to design in idiot proof things. Like the infamous Ford Explore roll over due to OEM recommended tire pressure for ‘ride quality’...that was below the proper design PSI. We now have DOT mandated tire PSI monitoring systems, that is tied to the dash display and computer system
Seat belt warning lights on the dash is another and many, many more
Personally thing the day force transducers will become part of that ‘idiot proof’ system. On the axles or each wheel suspension and the receiver. The component parts are all there and mature enough for the OEMs to start putting them into their products
That goes with the level of automation that is creeping into our TVs...heck exploding into our TVs...