Bedlam wrote:
For those of you with this gasoline engine, I have heard that the torque is not there at the lower RPM's, so you have get used to it keeping higher revs. I'm looking at Ram 5500 chassis cab which will exceed 20K lbs GCW with my current setup and in the future I will easily see a 26K lbs when I upgrade the truck camper and trailer. Am I asking too much of this gasser since I regularly climb 4000' elevations from sea level?
I don't find that the case at all. As far as gasoline engines go this one seems to make good torque down low. The engine was actually optimized for low end torque. On the flats and moderate hills my engine lives in the 2000-3500 rpm range. On long steep grades it will rev to maintain speed, but I think that is normal in any gasoline engine. For my normal drives the engine rarely has to work hard to pull my trailer.
I was able to maintain 60 mph going up a long steep grade in the smokey mountains. It's the one going west where there are always trucks broke down on the side of the road due to the grade. My truck pulled my TT easily up the mountain. It did have to rev up to 4k+ but the truck didn't mind at all. That's the highest my temps have ever been, but even then it was no big deal. Tranny was 170, coolant 230, oil 240. Normally tranny is 165-167, coolant 210-220 and oil 210-230. The cooling system in this truck is fantastic.