RoyJ wrote:
From now, I'll address ONE point at a time to make our discussion more useful. Also be nice to stop getting personal and focus on technical matter.
You've done this before - when comparing two engines, you have to keep all other factors CONSTANT. So if you compare the engine life of a 200hp ISB vs 325hp ISB, compare both at 100% power output.
Uhm, I hate to tell you this but that is not how the real world works. The debate began because I told Cummins12V98 that the reason for the decrease in power output of the medium duty trucks had more to do with emissions, application, and cost. You chimed in disagreeing saying Cummins lowered the power ratings that I posted due to increased reliability. I said that was false and just explained to you why Cummins has so many power outputs, but you refuse to believe it even though it is the truth.
Cummins doesn't configure these engines according to some hypothetical make believe situation where everything is "constant". They configure these engines and change their power output for real world applications and uses for these engines. Again, we are debating why Cummins has different power levels for medium duty trucks, not some made up unicorn make believe scenario that doesn't apply to any medium duty truck in the real world that Cummins would never tune these engines for.