ShinerBock wrote:
RobertRyan wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
TDR is the original Cummins/RAM group that actually had their membership info in every new RAM I believe until they were bought out by the Germans.
If you want REAL info they are the way to go, not a bunch of people doing deletes. There are several pro's on there that contribute.
Cummins is readying their Euro 6 compatible engines for the general introduction of Euro 6 in many counties except NA.,They were a bit late to the party as far as Euro 6, announcing in The Hannover Truck show late 2016, that the engines would be available in 2017. Scania, MAN, Mercedes , IVECO already have had Euro 6 for a while.
Cummins wants it's engines used in Latin America, China, Australia , New Zealand and South Africa
Cummins Euro 6 compliance to be rolled out in 2017
That is false. Cummins was not late to the party with Euro 6 when it came took effect in January of 2014.
Cummins EURO 6 ISB Engines now certified....12 June 2013
Cummins’ bus engines certified for Euro 6.....24 June 2013
Cummins Engines for European Truck and Bus
The engines in your article, the X series, are new engines that were unveiled for the first time in 2016 in both NA and global markets for the 2017 model year. They replace the ISX15 and ISX12 engines that are being phased out in 2016. So the title you made for your link is a bit deceptive as to what the article is really about.
Cummins unveils two new 15-liter engines for 2017, rebrands heavy-duty lineup
Cummins Releases Next-Generation X12, X15 Engines
They are late to the Party. Earlier engines were not that effective, they were
withdrawn as a. result Only sellers of Euro 6 here have been the, European sourced Trucks. Local builders who use
Cummins have been disappointed that hav
e not prouced zuitable replacements untill now