Lantley wrote:
What is bizarre about the thread is the need to proclaim the 6.0 is a good running truck.
Those with the other brand diesels don't need to make that point. The trucks reputation speaks for itself.
I don't think anyone who follows trucks believes every single 6.0 is bad.
However most who follows trucks of the 6.0 era aware of the problems and terrible reputation/history of the truck.
The OP feels the need to proclaim he has a great running 6.0 PSD no problem.
But that does not change my poor opinion of the engine. Nor does it erase the poor reliability history the engine or change the notorious reputation of the 6.0 PSD trucks.
At the end of the day Ford spent lots of money and put a lot of effort into making the 6.0 PSD's right and never quite got it right. Today we speak of needing to have the engine's bullet proofed.
The other brands of that era do have stellar reputations and don't require bullet proofing. A few 6.0 PSD have run well and traveled lots of miles with no issues. The OP's truck is proof that there are 6.0's that are reliable.
However the poor resale value and lawsuits between Ford and Navistar are proof that too many trucks had major costly issues that ruined the reputation of the 6.0. A few good 6.0 PSD will not erase the horrendous past of the truck.
Despite bullet proofing and other fixes that were eventually developed many including myself will not touch a 6.0 PSD simply because there are better options that don't require bulletproofing or fixes.
Why take a gamble or risk at this point, on a well known and documented problem plagued engine? Because you may find that needle in a haystack?
OP here,
I am a truck guy and a diesel guy and a veteran who believes in any of the big three brands. I just happen to be a Ford guy mainly. Now the reality is all makes and models have issues some more or less than others and more or less hyped as others the 6.0 has its issues that's for sure. But I happen to have one I love and has served me well.
As for the previous comment about the need to proclaim my happiness with my truck, well that's just a foolish comment entirely.
This site and many others has thread upon thread of people who post about there trailers, trucks and mods as they apply. And we all spend hours browsing the sits to learn new ticks to dream and see what the other guy is running.
What to me is interesting is why a title saying I'm happy with my 6.0 would draw a person in with the soul intent to be malicious. There are many threads saying they hate there 6.0 and other descriptive wording that would be a great place to post.
I guess in the end I'm a Ford guy who likes his ford nothing more nothing less.