I had a 2007 990 for 8 years. Generally, no problems. The bolt in the slide arm broke on one trip which prevented the slide from coming back in. Fortunately, I had a cousin that lived in the area with the right bolt. I carried spares after that, but never had another problem with it. We camped in some pretty cold weather on one trip and the sewer connector froze. But, since the furnace really eats up the battery, we used an Olympic propane heater to maintain temperature and only used the furnace first thing in the morning or to “top off” the temperature. The onboard furnace heats the basement, so I’m sure relying on the Olympic is why it froze. I let the camper go to get an AF Fifth Wheel, which I dearly love, to get more space. But I do miss that camper! I will also say, it’s heavy. I started out with an F350 SRW and eventually changed to an F350 DRW. The difference in handling was significant. My SRW was equipped with airbags, which helped with overall stability, but it still had a tendency to lean to one side if I didn’t add more air to the right side then what I had on the left side. With the DRW, no problem at all. We were able to squeeze in with the slide in, but it was a squeeze. I weigh 190lbs; 6’ tall, so that gives you an idea.