I am in the same frustrated spot as you. Took our 5th wheel in in March to have wheel bearings done since the original owner said he has never done them. Had him go over the rest of the rig as well. Trying to save some time working and camp instead.
He said seals look good. I went through almost a tube of sealant touching up windows and trim.
Had him put in my Maxxair fans. Had to reseal them as they weren't even lap sealed in a lot of places.
The bearings, well not sure what he did there. I have been having issues with the brakes so I adjusted them, A lot!. Didn't help. Pulled a hub last week and there is probably a tube of grease in the thing. The brake pads are wore down to almost nothing. Why didn't he say that?
So I have new brake assemblies and seals showing up so I can do the job right this time.