93Cobra2771 wrote:
waynec1957 wrote:
I wondered about this because from the pictures I've seen of the PP it looks as if the head is fairly rigid in regards to up and down movement because of the way it's attached to the yoke.
We keep our camper on a seasonal site when we're not traveling. When I back in there's a dip at the edge of the road that causes both the nose of the camper and the back of the truck to dip down. The site also slopes gently upward towards the back and when unhooking the back of the camper is 8-10" (or maybe more, I haven't measured) above the receiver of the truck.
If I'm understanding all of this, the way to make the stinger level with the unloaded height of the receiver so it slides out smoothly is to use the tongue jack and WD jacks?
Not exactly. When you back in, and prior to putting the tongue jack down, you loosen the WD jacks until they are totally loose and not putting transferring any weight. Once that is done, THEN you use the tongue jack.
I watch the receiver (where the stinger goes into the receiver on the truck) carefully as I'm jacking up. Once the stinger shifts up in the receiver, then the tongue is high enough and the truck is ready to pull out.
In the scenario you mention, your WD bars will get even more loose as you raise the tongue. And that is a good thing. Once you pull the stinger out, don't touch the screw jacks and all will be good.
It does sound like there's a bit of a learning curve hitching and unhitching but from everything I've heard and read about the PP it's well worth it going down the road.
Thanks for your help.