alexleblanc wrote:
waynec1957 wrote:
I'm real interested in the Pro Pride hitch. We're looking at a 35', 8,500 (ish) lb. camper with opposing slides in the rear. So I'm guessing sway is a potential.
I have a general idea of how they work but one thing I haven't figured out, having never actually seen one, is with the hitch head attached to the tongue of the camper and the stinger set up, how does the head pivot up and down? For instance when the back of the truck and the nose of the camper are both pointing down.
you're towing a very similar setup to mine and after 2000km's of real world towing, hooking/unhooking and overall experiencing the Propride product, i'm 100% satisfied with it. Wind, rain, oncoming trucks really don't hamper the driving comfort anymore. I only drive at speeds up to 60-62mph anyways, but its substantially more stable and comfortable at speed.
Anyone who has a hard time hooking up or unhooking needs to both learn how to adjust the tensions on each side to make the head opening close to matching the stinger, that's it. I figured it out in about 30 minutes or playing with it the first time we went out with it.
Money well spent. (moreso for me when you add the taxes, duties and shipping I paid almost 3200$ Canadian.)
I look forward to my sizeable trip later this summer, we're going from Moncton NB. to Burlington VT, then Lake George Area in upstate NY followed by Cape Cod for a week then back home. nearly 2600km's alone of towing on that trip.

We haven't got the bigger TT yet. We thought it would happen this year but it's looking like next year.
I use an Equalizer now on a 30" 6,000 lb (loaded) camper and it works really well. The 35 footer (actually closer to 36')is 8,500 lbs empty and 5-6' longer. The extra length, weight, and two huge opposing slides in the back is what got me to looking at the PP.