joerg68 wrote:
As far as I remember, you can remove the motor when the camper is on the jacks. In principle. But you may not be able to access both screws without removing the jack first.
These HJ motors often quit working due to corrosion (even after just a year or two). But then they usually blow the fuse every time you try to operate them.
There is a small (maybe 1" x 3") white plastic box next to each jack. It has a lid that is held on by 4 small screws. Take it off & you should then be able to unplug the jack wires. Take a multimeter to see if you get 12V at the plug when you try to operate the jack. With some luck, maybe there is just some corrosion in the plug...
OK, I know the box that you are talking about. I definitely see if there is 12 volts there.