Thank you for the replies.
So MY question as to the camper its self is does it have the cold weather package. The owner told me well of course it does not have the cold weather package it has aluminum siding. If it has aluminum siding it would never hold up in a northern environment.???? I can see I am dealing with a mental giant.
Yes I went to the lance site and downloaded the brochures.
Yes the cold weather option is listed.
My question to this forums was to
A) hopefully someone else has done this meaning providing lance with a serial and finding out everything that they wanted to know.
B) Maybe someone might have the contact information already thus saving me the hassle of the run around of trying to find the correct contact person or that one of the forum members could point me in the right direction to find the answers.
I am at work right now so my free time is very limited so I thought some one might be able to just point me to the right place.
thank you for all the positive and helpful replies.