3 tons wrote:
I’m curious due to flat bed width how one would be able to unload the camper, and then wondering is there no factory installed rear hitch?? How much would the added height difference be of a 4500 (without a bed) over a 3500 4x4, and the acronym ‘CA’ - I assume this must mean ‘cab to rear axle center’ ?
3 tons
Depends on the flatbed, but to my knowledge most are as wide as the wheels. The rear track on cab and chassis is the same as DRW 1T pickups, so you need the swing out brackets for the front jacks, just as you would with the 1T dually. Height is another issue. 4500/5500 flatbeds sit a few inches higher than the beds of 1T pickup. I want to say the frames are roughly the same height, but the pickup beds have less of an offset from frame top to bed than the flatbeds. I honestly don’t know how much higher. Depends on the flatbed I think. Adding blocks under the jacks to get the extra height (if jacks are near maxed) is not a big deal. 4500/5500 are made to carry the payloads of these larger campers, but as another commenter pointed out, the ride may be less than stellar compared to the relatively soft 1T pickups.