MudChucker wrote: let's firs think about this. You hook up your trailer your front wheels are in the air, 4x4FF and I hook some pipes to the rear bumper and we lift as hard as we can to level the truck back out. Westend wants to drive away, 4x4FF and I would rather drink beer than ru n with these pipes in our hands so we chain them to the A frame of the trailer
That's your WD bars I action.
So...if all your doing is lifting the back end to level out the trailer, corecting the geometry and redistributing the load on the tow vehicle...
What will the bars do the the air bags won't ?
Exactly nothing.
Sorry, but that's not correct. Air bags and WD bars do very different things.
Air bags alone do not change the amount of weight on the front or rear tires. They act as a second spring in parallel with the metal spring, between the frame and the axle. Since the metal springs (with the bags) are now carrying less weight, they flex less, so the rear of the truck rides higher. But the rear tires still see the same total load.
WD bars also take weight off the rear metal springs, but unlike the air bags, the WD bars will also take that weight off the rear tires and transfer that weight to the front springs and tires.
In other words, air bags change rear ride height and rear spring rate, but not tire loads. Only WD bars change front or rear tire loads.