About a month ago we bought out 2005 Dodge dually, 3500. And then last week we picked up a hardly used 2011 AF 990. From the bottom of the door to the ground is 48". From the floor level of the camper to the top of the bumper step is 14 1/2 " and then the swing out single step. No two steps are the same rise. So I am trying also to figure out what we are going to do. I have no problem, but I am concerned for my wife safely getting in and out. We had stable loads installed at Torklift, and only briefly looked at the Glow Steps - but the brief looked left me with the feeling of not to stable. As our AF was manufactured in April of 2011, it does not have the new bumper, capable of taking the Fox Landing. I would like to install the basement step, to reduce the 14 1/2" step out of the camper, and then install the Fox landing - but don't know about attaching the Fox landing to the old bumper. Everything is so ridiculously expensive - that I am looking at any options. Thankful for the forum to see what others are doing.
Any suggestions would be welcome.