SLIDE IS IN!!! Thanks for all your input. I was able to round up some help and while wife pushed the button we were able to push the slide in. It pushed rather easily so I'm assuming something is no longer connected for whatever reason. At least now I can take it to the shop and they can put it into a heated shop to repair it. I will make one final post when I get the repair completed so others can see the cause and solution which is so extremely helpful on this web site.
If the underbelly was not covered I probably could do something with the repair myself or at least try. The RV repair shop said they usually just cut an opening in the underbelly cloth for the repair. Then they use a special high grade tape to repair the underbelly.
No matter what, the repair is going to be a lot easier when the temp is > 15 degrees.....and ZERO wind.
Thanks again for all the replies