I own the Ford you are thinking about getting and I love my new truck. One correction the short bed is 6.81 feet long, the longest short box of the big three. I pull a 5th that is 31 feet and 9,600 lb. loaded for travel. Miles per gallon is 12.0 milles per gallon average so far when towing with the 6.7L diesel. I only have 4,600 mile on the truck so far so it is not broke in yet for a diesel. Yes the 26 gallon tank is small but the electronic dash screen tells me I"m on empty when 21 gallons has been used ( the gas gage still shows 1/8 tank! ) But 12MPG times 21 galons equals 252miles of travel on one small tank when towing. ( thats 3 1/2 hours of travel ) I choose to carry a 5 gallon can of diesel just in case of not finding a station which gives me another 60 miles of travel. The power is so much inproved over my 2005 F350 diesel I can hardly believe it. The fuel economy is very much improved over the old truck.