Since you asked for opinions and since I towed with a SUV I'll throw in my 2 cents, I'm sorry if it's not what some people want to see, but it's all true. If it works for some, great. It didn't work for us too well.
We towed with a SUV (Grand Cherokee with a v8 and a "6500lbs tow rating", and Reese weight distributing hitch) for about 10 years, then we got a full sized truck, and I'll never go back. The wheel base is too short on SUVs so you get pushed around like a rag doll. Braking was always a white knuckle event, and going through mountain passes without the air conditioning on was not fun!
If I had to do it all over again, I'd either just jump into a four door full sized truck or stick to pop up trailers for SUVs. Pulling a trailer (basically a brick), with a SUV with a 5000lbs limit is not fun. I can almost guarantee you will have exceeded your CCWR once the hitch and the tongue weight is on the back too. NO $2000 Hennessy hitch is going to change that fact :)! !
Probably not what you wanted to hear though, but like a previous poster said... let the numbers do the talking.