jerem0621 wrote:
I have been towing with Unibody Vehicles for years and not one issue. I will continue doing so as they are fantastic handling, lower CG, better breaking vehicles.
I would reinforce the hitch and continue on. The work should cost you less than $400.00...and you will end up with a hitch stronger than what's on most trucks.
Think something like the picture below. This is how Can-Am RV in London Ontario reinforce a hitch on a Town & Country and most hitches they reinforce. 
But, if you want a truck... that's a viable option too.
All of our previous Tv's have been unibodies too and they work great especially with the pro hitch setup as you have illustrated. In fact our Mini Van went 465,000klm's without any serious drive drain issues and years of towing under it's belt.