Have Batteries Plus Store Brand AGM Dual Marine Batteries that failed last September. These were purchase 8/20/2013 so only manage to get 26 months on these batteries that are warranted for 48 Months. Brought them in for testing and was told they are still good for 50 Amp hour x 2 batteries.
They presently last only 5 hours with draw from Norcold propane refrigerator at 3 amps most with solenoid engaged. Have some Life Line Batteries inbound as replacements.
Would suggest avoiding Batteries plus SIL 24 AGM batteries. My battery charger is Xantrex 40 Amp set up for 3 stage AGM, when not on the road and hooked up to shore power. Run the Norcold refrigerator about 4 months during the summer, especially now one does not need any lights.